Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday Obsessions: Heartful Edition

The 11th was Tif's birthday but today is the official celebration day because we're going to Disneyland! (I know that's what we usually do, but today it's extra special) So, before that wonderful-ness begins here's some "Valentines Day Eve" heartful obsessions.

First a correction! When I made Tif her Nerd Crush cluster the day before yesterday I was silly enough to forget this man here. Oh, John Mayer...maybe if you were'nt in hiding right now I'd have remebered you on time! Anywho, here's two Johnny magazine shots to make up for it.

This heart shaped mixing stick and cutting board are the perfect gift for you recipe obsessed Valentine.

My heart currently is obsessed with magazines. I'm hunting for the perfect hardcopy 2011 inspiration. Elle and Glamour are what I've narrowed it down to, but we'll see which truely wins my heart soon.

If these are funny to're a nerd! I found these quirky Valentines here. Geeks need love too.

and finally this heart inspired photo duo from EveryDay is extra lovely and the blog in general is so wonderfully simplistic you'll love it too.

That's all for today.

Happy Happy Sunday!