Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Nerd Crush: Tom Sloane

This last week got really busy, really complicated and I'm sick. Time for a Nerd Crush!

OK so, I know what you're saying.... He's a cartoon... I know I know, but hear me out. I've been finishing up the end of the Daria: The Complete Animated Series I got from my friend Cindi last year for my birthday (it's a lot of awesome to get through) and I can't help but feel the need to share the boy perfection that is Tom with you all. Especially since I’m admittedly feeling a bit down on the dumbs....

Anybody remember Tom? Jane's old boyfriend/Daria's epic soul mate. (We don't talk about the Jane's Ex part...) He was smart, funny and totally into Daria's grim sarcasm. (Which is exactly what my brains in the mood for right now.) If not, this will jog your memory: Here's some Daria/Tom love moments...

Ahhh Nerd love...

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