Thursday, September 17, 2009

Inspiration for ... pops of bright yellow ... days

1: 2: 3:
4: 5: 6:
7: 8: 9:
10: 11: 12:
  1. Toast mug from AceroStudio
  2. Flight of the Conchords by Flight of the Conchords
  3. Half Nelson (film)
  4. Yellow Radiance by Deirdre Ryan Photography
  5. Robert Patterson
  6. Vintage housewife
  7. Pep-Talks & Picker-Uppers from fredflare
  8. Vintage black bird tunic from BleuBirdVintage
  9. The Darjeeling Limited (film)
  10. Shial LaBeouf on the cover of GQ
  11. Vintage housewife
  12. Vintage bright yellow buttons from Lillian Olive


  1. Lovely set! Thanks for adding my photography :D

  2. Yellow is so energetic! I do like the set:)
